Home Viewpoint Why  The AntiI-Kidnap Unit under CSP OLADIMEJI (TIGER BASE) AndvThe “X” Squad...

Why  The AntiI-Kidnap Unit under CSP OLADIMEJI (TIGER BASE) AndvThe “X” Squad Department Under ACP LINUS NWAIWU is The Cynosure of  All  Eyes in  Imo  State  Police  Command  (PART 1).

By Onuchukwu Hamilton

The syndrome of rumor peddling, murmuring and public outcry against erring police officers who allegedly extort motorists on high ways, etc. as seen in various state of the federation proves that many Nigerians are even ignorant of the strategic and accessible disciplinary departments in the Nigeria Police force like the “X” squad sections existing in all the commands.

Since ACP Linus Nwaiwu assumed duty as the “X” squad commander in Imo State, the section now shares similarities with the Anti Kidnap Unit in terms of myriads of professional engagements as an Anti-corruption arm of the force criminal investigation department. ACP Nwaiwu is seriously neck deep in official schedules.

Whenever his team sneezes, erring police officers catch cold. Their presence on Imo roads send shivers down the spins of all security operatives in Imo. He is always so busy in the office like CSP Oladimeji who as a result of his doggedness, was recently decorated with a laurel by the force headquarters Abuja as the “Crime Fighter of the Year”. By records and for public interest the Inspector General of Police in 2007, highlighted the importance of the “X squad” which was created to fight Police corruption and investigate official compliants against police officers.

Here in Imo, both the civilians and officers of the command repose confidence in a seasoned police man like ACP Nwaiwu as their complaints on police miss conduct, human rights violations are satisfactorily handled by this mechanism.

Excitedly, since twenty two years of dedication in this pen pushing profession called journalism this particular edition marks my debut on the interesting attributes of sectional heads in the Imo Police Command of the Nigeria Police Force. For records, nobody induced me nor was consulted, before undertaking this eye opening cum bulging assignment. As journalists and key stake holdersm, it is expected that we should periodically use our watch dog eyes to complement our social responsibility targets as to help the state on better agenda for discussion.

In public service, the two leading officers of the above mentioned departments have three phenomenal traits such as the virtue of discipline, hardwork and honesty. These attributes are so difficult to imbibe but they are the open secret that make the duo of CSP Oladimeji and ACP Linus Nwaiwu so outstanding in coordination and expertise measures. In Police administration, no superior can coordinate subordinates effectively if he or she lack these qualities as seen in CSP Ola and ACP Nwaiwu.

The emphasis as a lesson for effective administrative coordination and expertise which has been domesticated in Tiger base, by Ola and ACP Linus Nwaiwu, forms the theme of this piece as others will be X-rayed in subsequent parts. Coordination in every organized sector especially the Nigeria Police Force, is so imperative for the goal of crime fighting to be achieved. How DCP Ola and ACP Nwaiwu secured coordination and expertise in their various departments, and the extents to which this quality has enable them to record a lot of achievements shall equally be discuss in the subsequent edition.

But the paramount lesson is that they are rated high in Imo for this particular trait. The philosophy of expertise in police administration, involves the adoption of a good decision that is coherent with the established police act while coordination is aimed at embracing or recognizing the communication efficiency in ranking, strength in action and speed in delivery among the officers in attaining the required objective of a department. Using a civilian’s example. If ten persons decide to cooperate to build a boat. If each has his own plan, and they don’t bother to communicate their plans, it is doubtful that the resulting craft will be see worthy. They would probably have a better success if they adopted even a very mediocre design. Using the uniform men example.

The napoleons army in the first waterloo campaign was divided in two parts, the right wing commanded by the emperor prepared to attack. And both had prepared excellent plans for their respective operations. Unfortunately, both plans contemplated the use of Erlon’s corps to deliver the final blow on the flank of the enemy. Because the failed to communicate these plans, and because, orders were unclear on the day of the battle, Erlon’s corps spent the day marching back and forth between the two fields without engaging in the action and either.

The law and the police act of 2020 is unambiguous, CSP Ola and ACP Nwaiwu lived by the rules of procedural and substantive coordination which guarantees the required unity. A procedure is said to be coordinative in police when it adapts the efficiency or performances of each Police officer to a plan. This coordination ability of CSP Ola and ACP Nwaiwu goes further than mere communication. They coordinate to positively influence their subordinate in desired directions. In the police rules of engagement, every police man is expected to drop his own critical faculties and permit the communicated decision of an authority to guild his own decision.

However there is an aphorism which states that “there is no gentleman on earth. “A gentleman is one who’s ills are not yet revealed”. Please feel free to entertain the public on either positive or negative views about the activities of our police officers in Imo through 08149143613


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